Slot Booking Solution
- Easy slot booking by customers
- Flexible and easy to use
- 24/7 appointment booking service
- Manage the appointments without any difficulty
- Never have another double booking
Appointment Booking in Kuwait
As a leading software development company, our expert team has created Custom Web Application with a mobile responsive view. The customer can book an appointment as per their requirements in any particular branch.
The branch can add their availability and time of service. Every branch office has its branch manager that handles the appointments as per their branch office or zone. Super Admin can assign a branch manager to its required branch office. Super Admin can create roles and check the history of appointments.
The web application has been implemented with other features and functionalities. Such as, Super Admin can create user roles and add or view users. Content Manager can add Category, Sub-Category, Slot Type, Account Type, Branch, Holiday Configuration, Dynamic Validation, View Appointment, and searching for a callback request.
The web application is divided into the following:
- Super Admin
- Content Manager
- Area Admin
- Branch Manager
- Receptionist
- Customer Service
- Teller Service
- Callback User
Benefits of Appointment Booking Solution:
- Enhances appointment booking potential by providing an easy-to-use, centralized scheduling application for all consumers.
- Our web application helps you to reduce operational costs through a smooth slot booking process.
- We help your business improve customer satisfaction and experience through a smooth slot booking web application.
- Easy to check the callback and booked appointment list from the admin panel that is enhanced with the advanced search feature.
- Easily configure and add validation as per your business requirements.