Smansys (RMTS)
RMTS, the employee tracking app offers field, sales employee, Service employee, GPS location tracking, attendance capturing, sales visit tracking, sales order and payment collection data logging via a mobile app connected to the web app.
RMTS is equipped with, well designed and user-friendly web-based Super Admin & Manager panel. Super Admin takes care of configuration based activities (Ex: Branch Configuration, Manager user creation, etc.) and all high-level reports about all the branches along with their sales, Service performance.
To know exactly where my employee are
Easily assign work to your closest employee
Automatic conveyance settlement
Easy to calculate working hours using this application
You can know the geographical reach of my products and clients
Online ordering will help you to take quick decisions
Manager can track each employee with their location and check-in company information
Manager will be notified if an employee is sitting idle at client place or anywhere for more than 2 hours
RMTS is equipped with, well designed and user friendly web based Super Admin & Manager panel. Super Admin take cares of configuration based activities (Ex: Branch Configuration, Manager user creation etc) and all high level reports about all the branches along with their sales, Service performance.
Manager is responsible to manage, track, job assigning work of their staff and check attendance, task status, daily expenses etc.
Android-based Mobile Application developed for Sale & Service Employee
- The employee will start their day with a check-in at the company based on schedules system will calculate their daily attendance that includes work hours.
- An employee will follow the assigned task with a location for sales & Service based on priority.
- In each client’s place, they need to check-in with the company name, remarks, sales, and service information that includes a photo and concern person signature.
- The location will be captured automatically while check-in at the client’s place.
- The employee can enter their expenses, including a photo for the proof.
- Stock Entry stock return option is there for a product based company.
- An employee can reschedule the visit with a valid reason as per the client’s instruction.
- Employees will get notification and reminders for the meeting time.